
Upcoming Events

Join us on June 3-5, 2024 for the annual Having IMPACTT: Advancing Microbiome Research Symposium at the Malcolm Hotel in beautiful Canmore, Alberta, Canada.

This exciting 2.5 microbiome symposium will highlight the latest microbiome research from across Canada and around the world.

In the Media

Dr. McCoy Elected Member of the Royal Canadian Society

As an internationally recognized leader in the field of microbiome and health research, Dr. McCoy has made fundamental discoveries highlighting how the maternal and early life microbiome instructs development and function of the immune system. Her basic discoveries have also been instrumental in defining the mechanisms by which the microbiome regulates immune responsiveness during cancer immunotherapy.

More reading about the RCS Class of 2021:
Official RCS Release
Discover all the new members of the RSC Class of 2021 – full list

Dr. McCoy Awarded Killam Memorial Chair

The Killam Memorial Chair is the most prestigious research chair available at the University of Calgary. It acknowledges internationally recognized scholars in all areas of sciences (health, natural, or social) and engineering with an outstanding and impactful contribution to knowledge translation. Since its creation in 1967, only six distinguished scholars have held this prestigious recognition. With the Killam Memorial Chair's support, Dr. McCoy will "perform exciting and innovative research over the next five years" and "hope to explore new questions and generate preliminary data that can be leveraged to apply for additional funds to follow exciting discoveries". Dr. McCoy "will address new research questions that are considered high-risk yet high-reward for which funding through traditional channels is more difficult to obtain." Read more about this news.

Learn about the IMPACTT Microbiome Research Core

with Dr. McCoy, Director of this Pan-Canadian initiative.

Discover the aims, expertise, network & activities of IMPACTT. See how this microbiome research Core aims to help Canadian microbiome researchers move from causal to translational studies to improve people's health and well-being.


Should we call ourselves humans or super-organisms?

Learn about the hidden connection between our lifestyle, and our microbes with Dr. McCoy in this Gut Talk on the Human Microbiome from January 16, 2020.  

November 28, 2019

In this article from the University of Calgary, Dr. McCoy gives her views on the key roles our microbes plays into shaping our Health. February 18, 2017.

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